The evolution of spheroids and organoids has accelerated medical research beyond more traditional methods such as 2D cell cultures in vitro-based experiments and in vivo experiments using lab animals. Spheroids and organoids offer 3D models of organs and tissues that more accurately allow researchers to evaluate how they will respond to their drugs and treatments. As such they are becoming widely used in many areas of medical research such as drug development and cancer research.

What are Spheroids?

Spheroids are 3D cell aggregates that possess properties akin to tissues, microtumours etc.

What are Organoids

Derived from stem cells, organoids are tiny, self-organised 3D- tissue cultures. They can be engineered to replicate much of the complexity of an organ, or to express select aspects  such as producing only certain types of cells.

Advantages of 3D Tissue Cultures

Although widely used, 2D cell cultures are limited in their ability to replicate human physiology. They lack the ability to incorporate other circulating cells etc. that can influence how the cells in question will respond to various stimuli.

3D cell cultures involving spheroids and organoids can incorporate other relevant cell types and microenvironments that more accurately replicate human physiology, thus providing more relevant data. They also contain both surface-exposed and deeply buried cells which mimic real tissue and tumour structures and hence can reflect behaviour more accurately than 2D cell cultures.

When compared to in vivo experiments, 3D cell cultures can be  engineered to replicate human physiology  and hence reflect more closely are   treatment regimens. Furthermore, using spheroids and organoids avoids the complication and expense of establishing an animal-based study. If such a study is deemed necessary, a 3D cell culture could be used as a pilot study to better tailor the animal study for success.

3D Printing/Bioprinting

3D printing technology/bioprinting has proven itself to be a valuable tool to engineer tissue models with specified geometries and compositions for optimised cell viability and function.

Solutions for Organoid and Spheroid Research

AXT’s solutions for organoid and spheroid research span the range.

organoid and spheroid research workflow


