Massbox – LALI-TOF-MS
LALI-TOF-MS - Laser Ablation Laser Induced Time of Flight Mass SpectrometryMass Spectrometry
The DuaLIBS is two instruments in one, using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy it analyses slurry's and pressed powders pellets giving both quantitative chemistry and mineralogy.
Measure slurry’s for chemistry and mineralogy in real time for process optimisation.
Measure the concentrate purity with mineralogy and mineral chemistry.
A Elemission Slurry instrument for quantitative measurements of slurry bottles and pressed powder pellets on an automatic sample changer
The DuaLIBS provides quantitative analysis of elements in addition to the mineralogy. Over 10 elements can be analysed simultaneously with mineralogy determined too.
The automatic sample changer for the pressed pellets quickly analyses all the samples on the carousel.