Etaluma Lumascopes

High Resolution, Inverted Fluorescence Microscopy with a compact design that allows use inside incubators, hoods, and workstations.

Microscopes focused on quality images, versatility, compact design, and ease of use.

  • Key Features

    • Perfect live cell imaging designed to fit within a standard CO2 incubator, capable of long term stable imaging
    • Multiple imaging modalities brightfield, phase contrast and up-to 3 fluorescent channels via high intensity LED illumination
    • High quality imaging high sensitivity camera, zero pixel shift filters and easy to use software
    • Compact and Robust design featuring solid state optics, small footprint and flexible configurations

Product Review

  • The Lumascope 620 with 1200-pixel frame sizes and a 20X objective provides far brighter and more uniform illumination than I have ever seen on any microscope using a standard Xe, Hg, or incandescent illuminator. Bravo!

    R. ZuckerUniversity of California, Berkeley | Neurobiology Division

Lumascopes are highly versatile, compact inverted fluorescence microscopes that provides high resolution images comparable to those from traditional, high-cost microscopes. The Lumascope design was conceived and developed by working scientists who realized that a large proportion of everyday fluorescence microscopy involves imaging and measuring the presence, health, and signal of labeled cells. Traditional inverted microscopes are expensive, complicated, and loaded with features that are not required for these tasks. Lumascopes focus on: quality images, versatility, compact design, ease of use, and value for money.

Lumascopes utilize LED light sources, Semrock filters, advanced optical engineering, and CMOS sensors to provide near diffraction-limited (theoretical maximum) resolution. Powered only by a USB connection, Lumascopes easily record your photos, time-lapse series, and live videos directly to your computer. And their compact size enable working in challenging locations, including inside incubators, biological safety cabinets, and environmental control workstations with remote control and image monitoring.

The inverted design accommodates microplates, flasks, dishes and custom labware in addition to slides that you can adjust by the Manual XY Stage (on the Lumascopes 620, 560 or 460; sold separately) or control manually or automatically on the automated Lumascope 850/820. Lumascopes come with Lumaview software that sends images directly to your computer via a USB cable, eliminating the need for on-board image storage and processing and contributing to the compact size. Lumaview enables time-lapse studies over seconds, minutes, hours, or days. Live videos can be recorded at up to 30 frames per second.



Etaluma LS850 inverted fluorescence microscope with automated stage and turret suitable for use inside incubatorsEtaluma LS820 inverted fluorescence microscope for cell biology suited to use inside incubators
IlluminationBlue, Green, & Red FluorescenceBlue, Green,& Red Fluorescence
StageAutomated (x, y, z)Manual
FeaturesWalk-away automation Python source, LumaviewPro, Multi operating system application, 4-channel imagingAutofocus and Z-stacking for time Lapse automation, Python source, LumaviewPro, multi operating system application, 4-channel imaging
OptionsMotorised turret with up to 4 objectives, Phase contrastObjectives, Phase contrast,
BrochureAXT Download brochureAXT Download brochure
  • Applications

    LS Microscopes (Lumascopes) can be used in practically any application where a standard inverted (and many upright) microscopes are used. Most of the applications usually involve cells but LS Microscopes can also image beads and other materials.
    Live cell imaging / Cell growth and confluence / Cell migration and wound healing / Cell cycle protein expression / Use of micro-environmental systems / Calcium assays / Determining transfection efficiency / Behavior of stem cells / Cell death assays / Spheroid development and behavior / Cultivation of yeast / Intravital studies / Study of lower eukaryotes / Photomicroscopy in locations without AC power…
  • Interview with Dr. Stephen Thorpe on Etaluma Microscopes

    Dr. Thorpe describes his mechano biology research and the use of the LS620 and LS720 microscopes from Etaluma.

  • Robust Design put to the Test

    Run time – 17sec

    Etaluma claim to be the world’s toughest microscopes. Here’s them putting one of their system to the test.

  • All
  • Biological Microscopy
  • CL
  • CLEM
  • Computed Tomography
  • Computed Tomography - Life Sci
  • Confocal Microscopy
  • Diffraction Imaging
  • Digital Microscopy
  • EBSD
  • EDS
  • Electron Beam Lithography (EBL)
  • Electron Microscopy
  • Fabrication
  • FIB
  • Fluorescent Microscopy
  • In situ
  • Light Microscopy
  • Live Cell Imaging
  • Micro XRF
  • Microscopy
  • Multiphoton Microscopy
  • Optical Tomography
  • Pre-clinical Imaging
  • Protein
  • Protein Crystallography
  • Quantitative Phase Imaging
  • SEM
  • Super Resolution Microscopy
  • TEM
  • Tomographic Microscopy
  • WDS
  • X-ray Microscopy