LALI-TOF-MS – A New Era in Mass Spectrometry

Simplifying Chemical Analysis

Webinar Overview

The Exum Massbox is a compact, desktop mass spectrometer that utilises their patented Laser Ablation Laser Ionisation Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (LALI-TOF-MS) technology. This innovative technique enables rapid, high-sensitivity chemical characterisation of solid materials, with trace-level sensitivity across the entire periodic table.

In this webinar you will learn about LALI-TOF-MS technology:

  • How it works
  • How it compares to traditional techniques such ICP-MS, XRF etc.

We will also demonstrate its suitability for academic and industrial applications using a range of mass spectrometry case studies relating to :

  • Materials characterisation
  • Mining and geology
  • Battery materials
  • Detection and analysis of contaminants.

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overview of LALI-TOF-MS mass spectrometry capabilities
LALI-TOF-MS laser ablation laser ionisation time of flight mass spectrometry schematic