AXT is very proud to have been named Nanolive’s Distributor of the Year in the first year since the 3D Cell Explorer was released. In an exciting year, this unique tomographic microscope has generated massive interest that has resulted in over 100 sales globally. The Nanolive 3D Cell Explorer is a tomographic, holographic microscope that has been designed for live cell imaging. There are other microscopes that can also image live cells, but the thing that sets the 3D Cell Explorer apart is its ability to do so label-free and stain-free, while maintaining resolution. This streamlines sample preparation enabling you to spend more time imaging cells and less time preparing them.

Ease-of-use and rapid imaging are other factors that make the 3D Cell Explorer an attractive proposition. Dr. Wojtek Chrzanowski at the University of Sydney was one of the first to embrace the technology in Australia. When interviewed about his experiences, he commented, “from the first moment I saw the instrument in a presentation, I was hooked. I thought, this is fantastic, we need this instrument in our lab. The process is really, really rapid and you get real 3-dimensional images. What is really important here is that you are getting slices through the whole cell and you see the whole cell on the screen. This feature is absolutely brilliant, it is something that we had to have.”
AXT received the accolade from Nanolive not just for sales generated, but also the successful and persistent marketing and promotional activities. Desley Pitcher, AXT’s National Sales Manager for Life Science has been instrumental in these activities performing numerous demonstrations around the country. She said, “with such an exciting new technology, we needed to dedicate significant efforts into education to make sure our clients could understand what the instrument can do. This has been particularly rewarding with the 3D Cell Explorer as new users are astounded by how easy it is to use and how fast it produces images. From the first image, their minds start to run wild as they imagine the possibilities of what they can achieve with it. To date we have produced hundreds of 3D and 4D images working with researchers from widely varying fields within life science.”
“Based on the capabilities of the system, broad applicability, compact size and affordable price point, we are now looking to take the 3D Cell Explorer into secondary schools through a new program we have established, called FutureScience. This program is aimed at putting cutting edge technologies into high schools, whereas previously these technologies would be outside the budget of secondary schools. We want to work with science teachers to inspire students to follow careers paths in science. The FutureScience initiative is being made possible with the support of Nanolive.”
Yann Cotte, CEO of Nanolive commented, “It has been a pleasure working with AXT to promote the 3D Cell Explorer. Their energy and enthusiasm is inspirational and they are a model for distributors of any kind. They continue to take the initiative and come up with ways to showcase our product and we look forward to working closely with them in the future.”
Richard Trett, AXT’s Managing Director also added, “from the word go, both the product and the people at Nanolive were exciting, dynamic and responsive. The 3D Cell explorer offers a unique solution that solves a lot of research needs and is very relevant to Australian research and education in the fields such as biology, life science and medicine. Furthermore, it fits neatly into our range of microscopy and life science tools.”