AXT has recently signed an exclusive distribution agreement with ELEMISSION. ELEMISSION are a Canadian-based company that lead the world in large-scale micro characterisation using continuous LIBS scanning technology. Their process analytical ...
TESCAN is proud to announce that they have installed the first TIMA-X automated mineralogy system in China. The system was installed at the Geology Department at Peking University (PKU), Beijing. PKU is ...
AXT is pleased to announce that they have recently signed a distribution agreement with LUMICKS (Netherlands) that further strengthens their life science product portfolio. This agreement has AXT introducing LUMICKS’ optical tweezer ...
AXT have recently been appointed the local distributor for Phi Optics, an innovative developer of Quantitative Phase Imaging (QPI) solutions for live cell and tissue microscopy. Phi Optics’ modular solutions have ...
The University of Sydney has installed a new generation X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) as a teaching tool within the School of Chemistry. The XRD is the sixth generation of Rigaku’s MiniFlex ...
TESCAN unveiled the S9000X, their latest flagship Xe plasma FIB-SEM to the world at the recent M&M 2018, Microscopy and Microanalysis 2018 Meeting, held in Baltimore in August. The S9000X then took pride ...
The recent installation of an Oxford Nanoimaging single molecule microscope at the Westmead Research Hub will provide researchers with much needed super resolution imaging capabilities. The microscope will allow researchers to observe cellular interactions ...
Crystallographers at the University of Melbourne received a boost following the installation of a state-of-the-art small molecule X-ray diffraction (XRD) machine. The XtaLAB Synergy-S from Rigaku Oxford Diffraction (ROD) is a class-leading instrument that ...
AXT has recently supplied a YXLON EVO 160D radiographic system to Dyno Nobel Asia Pacific, one of the top Australian manufacturers of detonators for the mining industry. Given the volatile nature ...
AXT have recently completed the installation of an automated liquid handling system at the Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand. The TTP Labtech mosquito will be used by researchers to probe ...