On demand webinar Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) are two of the most used, complementary techniques for surface analysis at the nanoscale. Combining them by integrating a compact AFM LiteScope™ into an SEM brings novel ...
On demand webinar Mauro Petretta, REGENHU Senior Scientific Advisor, will present case studies on how 3D bioprinting, an emerging technology can be used to expand your research scope. His presentation will ...
Using IVIM Tech’s IVIM-M two photon intravital microscope, researchers have been able to directly observe the effects of neutrophils and microglia on mouse brains.
On-demand webinar Dr Kim will present his work on a real-time laser-scanning intravital confocal/two-photon microscopy system extensively optimised for in vivo cellular-level imaging of internal organs in live animal models for various human diseases. He will ...
This research project is being conducted by Lisa Kearney, a PhD candidate from the School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences at QUT, working with Dr. Luke Nothdurft as supervisor and Dr. Crystal Cooper, Microscopy ...
AXT has Australia’s most diverse portfolio of bioprinting solutions for biomedical research that caters for different technical and budgetary requirements. Our bioprinting solutions are sourced from leading manufacturers from around the world. REGENHU Swiss Med Tech company, ...
X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a staple tool for materials identification in materials science. It is commonly used to determine the phase assemblage of crystalline materials, i.e. for materials like Silica ...
Laser Assisted Bioprinting or LAB is a game-changing technology which is ideal for countless applications in medical research.
The FIB-ToF-SIMS technique has enhanced our microanalytical capability and improved our work flow for atom probe sample preparation.
Dynamic Micro-CT takes Computed Tomography to the Next Dimension – 4D