Create New Materials using Precision Multi-Ion Implantation

Building on the versatile NanoSpace platform, Orsay Physics officially launched the latest generation of microscope, called QuiiN (Quantum Ion Implanter at Nanoscale) at the EIPBN in La Jolla, USA. This unique platform has been designed to address the exciting and emerging world of Quantum Computing as well as addressing the needs of surface engineering and modifications to develop new materials that cater for extreme conditions.

Orsay Physics QuiiN Nanoscale Quantum Ion Implanter - Precision Multi-Ion Implantation system
The nanoSpace QuiiN (Quantum Ion Implanter at Nanoscale).

QuiiN is a versatile ion implantation system designed for implantation applications with nanoscale precision across and below the substrate surface. Users have the option to implant Au, Ge, or Si isotopes or a wide range of gases such as N, Ar, O, He, Xe or even mixtures of gases such as CO2 into a substrate, and at different energies.

The system comes equipped with a heating stage so you can perform high temperature in-situ annealing during irradiation. Also included is an in-chamber SE detector which is ideal for imaging samples without damage, while the chamber can cater for more than 20 detectors and other devices for process control, monitoring and sample analysis. All functions are controlled by the user-friendly Pegasus interface which is modular and customisable.

With QuiiN you can:

  • Fine-tune and create new materials surface characteristics
  • Activate dopants, repair unwanted lattice damage and immediately enhance materials properties
  • Ensure a seamless transition in your experimental setups and maximise your research efficiency switching between species
  • Precisely locate and implant ions
  • Implant specific ions of a chosen species
  • Produce materials free from photoluminescence artifacts, implantation irregularities and surface damage
  • Easily tailor experiments and analytical routines

Whether your application involves surface engineering across diverse sectors, such as aerospace, automotive, electronics, biomedical, energy, semiconductors or even quantum computing, you can use QuiiN to accurately manipulate the surface properties of materials. In doing so you can improve their performance, durability and functionality opening up new possibilities.

For more information about the Orsay Physics QuiiN ion implanter, visit the product page.