DENSsolutions latest TEM solution enables you to perform dynamic cooling, heating and biasing experiments, all in the one system. The Lightning Arctic TEM solution allows you to take your samples from liquid nitrogen to 800°C (or 1300°C depending on the Nano-Chip is used) while applying a voltage. This enables you to investigate material behaviour with atomic scale resolution at even lower temperatures.

Suitable for use in your existing Thermo Fisher/FEI and JEOL TEMs, you can investigate a range of advanced and novel materials at temperatures as low as 100K with simultaneous biasing. This new capability allows you to study low-temperature physics and to link processing conditions with the structure, property and performance of your materials and devices.
The new Lightning Arctic TEM solution utilises DENSsolutions proven MEMS-based Nano-chips that have been successfully used in their existing range of TEM platforms. They incorporate a 4-point probe method that accurately measures and controls temperature and biasing parameters to ensure operational accuracy and the generation of trustworthy data.
The system has also been designed with an external dewar to minimise the effect of liquid nitrogen bubbling. This enables the users to achieve atomic imaging with low sample drift. The sample holders also allow up to 10 to 25° tilt in alpha and beta to ensure you can see features and structures of interest.
As the newest member of the DENSsolutions family, it joins the Wildfire (heating), Lightning (heating and biasing), Climate (gas and heating) and Stream (liquid and heating or biasing) TEM platforms. For more details, please visit DENSsolutions on the AXT website.