On Demand Webinar
Hybrid Photon Counting (HPC) detectors are the latest generation of detectors for X-ray crystallography, including single crystal and powder analyses. They are present at many synchrotron beamlines and have seen their use greatly spread to home laboratories in the past 5 years or so.
HPC detectors have rendered traditional CCD detectors obsolete for many applications. Rigaku has invested heavily in the development of the HyPix family of HPC detectors (HyPix-6000HE and HyPix-Arc 150°) to ensure that new Rigaku systems are configured with the best detector technology and that CCD cameras installed on legacy Rigaku or Oxford-Diffraction systems can be upgraded, extending the lifespan of these systems.
HPCs are the only commercially available area detectors for X-ray crystallography that perform direct detection of X-ray photons i.e., they are capable of directly counting incoming X-ray photons DURING exposure, instead of integrating them AFTER exposure. For this, HPCs directly transform X-ray photons into an electrical signal without requiring a phosphor and a taper.
In this webinar we will explain in greater detail how these detectors work as well as their advantages over older detector technologies, using examples and case studies. A Q&A session will follow to answer any questions you may have.
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Presenter – Dr. Pierre Le Maguerès
Pierre has been a crystallographer for almost 30 years, acquiring knowledge in both small molecule and protein single crystal crystallography. He works with customers all over the world, providing training and helping them design experiments and configuring their systems. He also regularly authors and presents crystallography papers at conferences like DXC and IUCr and is happy to share his wealth of knowledge with Rigaku users to help them get the best out of their systems.