Introduction to Computed Tomography

Webinar Recording

Computed Tomography is a non-destructive 3D imaging modality. Originally used in medical applications is now being used more extensively in areas such as materials science, non-destructive testing (NDT), quality control e.g. in additive manufacturing, failure analysis and to invesigate geological materials. In these applications, it is ideally suited to revealing sub-surface defects, otherwise invisible to surface inspection techniques and metrology to check dimensional tolerances, especially of internal features.

If you are new to computed tomography (CT) or you need to teach it to someone, this webinar makes a great starting point. While this webinar focusses on materials science, the principles can be applied to almost any type of specimens.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • What is computed tomography
  • How computed tomography works
  • How computed tomography can be applied to materials science

Once you have the basics, here are some other articles/pages that you will find interesting: