
Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) Kratky camera system

Designed specifically to meet the needs of the structural biologist. Based on a patented two-dimensional Kratky design, the BioSAXS-2000nano takes up much less space than a conventional 3-pinhole camera but offers better flux characteristics.

  • Key Features

    • A compact SAXS system that delivers high-quality data for a broad range of samples
    • Fully automated for measuring and data analysis for high sample throughput
    • High angular resolution option for WAXS data collection
    • Photodiode beamstop for intensity measurements and sample absorption correction
    • Sample temperature control included with system
    • SAXSLab data collection and processing software
    • Automatic sample handling supports samples supplied in 96-well plates or 0.2 mL PCR tube arrays
    • Automatic data analysis pipeline AAP uses automated programs in the ATSAS ver 2.7
  • Introduction to the BioSAXS 2000 nano

    The most comprehensive BioSAXS system available for the home laboratory. Learn how it can help your research.