CELLvo Cells

The best possible cell lines for research

Affordable cells for basic and translational research. The only cells isolated and expanded using StemBioSys’ CELLvo™ Matrix technology. By isolating cells on a cell-derived extracellular matrix, CELLvo™ cells are able to preserve more natural phenotypes.

  • Key Features

    • CELLvo™ Human Cord Blood Endothelial Progenitor Cells (hCB-EPCs)
    • CELLvo™ human Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hAD-MSC)
    • CELLvo™ Mesenchymal Stem Cells Wharton’s Jelly (MSC-WJ)
    • CELLvo™ Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hBM-MSC)

CELLvo™ Cells Technology

CELLvo™ cells are the only cells isolated and expanded using StemBioSys’ CELLvo™ Matrix technology. By isolating cells on a cell-derived extracellular matrix, you can preserve more natural phenotypes. All the cells are early-passage and xeno-free whenever possible. All the StemBioSys® cells are from young, healthy tissue to ensure that customers have top quality cells.

Unique, difficult to isolate cells

CELLvo™ Matrix technology enables you to efficiently isolate rare populations of cells that are difficult to isolate with other culture tools. The first cell product, endothelial progenitor cells, are rare, highly angiogenic cells found in umbilical cord blood. Only through CELLvo™ Matrix, it has been possible for StemBioSys® to isolate and expand these cells.

Biologically-relevant phenotypes

StemBiosystem only sells freshly isolated cells or early-passage cells that have been isolated and expanded on CELLvo™ Matrix to maintain a more natural phenotype. Competitors may be selling cells that no longer resemble the native population you want to study. For instance, only CELLvo™ Primary Chondrocytes exhibit the high Col2/Col1 ratio that is found in native cartilage. Other competitors sell “chondrocytes” that no longer look like anything you can find in the body.

More information about the different types of cells available is listed below.

  • CELLvo™ human Adipose- Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hAD-MSC)

    Human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hAD-MSCs) isolated under xeno-free conditions on CELLvo™ XF Matrix. – CELLvo hAD-MSCs are capable of self-renewal, differentiation down multiple lineages, and modulating their local microenvironment through the secretion of paracrine factors.

    Product specification sheet

  • CELLvo™ Human Bone Marrow – Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hBM-MSC)

    Human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells- (hBM-MSC) isolated under xeno-free conditions by explant method on CELLvo™ XF Matrix. hBM- MSCs are capable of self-renewal, differentiation down multiple lineages, and modulating their local microenvironment through the secretion of paracrine factors.

    Product specification sheet


    Human primary chondrocytes are freshly isolated from articular cartilage of young, skeletally-mature, recently-deceased, otherwise-healthy cadavers by enzymatic digestion under xeno-free conditions. Human articular chondrocytes are mature cells capable of proliferation under standard cell culture conditions and express a high ratio of collagen type II to collagen type I.

    Product specification sheet

  • CELLvo™ Human Cord Blood – Endothelial Progenitor Cells (hCB-EPCs)

    Endothelial progenitor cell isolated from human umbilical cord blood. With superior colony forming abilities, greater vessel formation, and greater angiogenic potential in vitro as well as in vivo – As compared to hUVECs , CELLvo™ hCB-EPCs are the cell of choice for researchers wanting greater control of their tissue engineering studies.

    Product specification sheet

  • CELLvo™ Mesenchymal Stem Cells – Wharton’s Jelly (MSC-WJ)

    Wharton’s Jelly is a rich source of highly proliferative, multipotent, Mesenchymal Stem Cells. These cells are known to be highly immunomodulatory and capable of trilineage differentiation. – The cells have been isolated and cultured under xeno-free conditions on the CELLvo™ XF Matrix. CELLvo™ MSC-WJ proliferate more quickly, have a smaller cell size, and show a higher percentage of SSEA4 (+) cells as compared to Wharton’s Jelly MSCs isolated and cultured on other substrates.

    Product specification sheet

  • StemBioSys : “There is no place like home”

    The benefits of the unique CELLvo™ Matrix, the only natural cell culture substrate.

    The webinar describes the current challenges in removing cells from their native tissue and culturing them in a completely foreign environment such as tissue culture plastic. CELLvo™ Matrix addresses this by providing a “home” that mimics the native cell derived microenvironment that they came from. It promotes cell adhesion with better isolation and proliferation of primary cells and enhanced cellular responsiveness to experimental variables.

  • All
  • Biological Microscopy
  • Cell Culture
  • Confocal Microscopy
  • Digital Microscopy
  • Extrustion Bioprinters
  • Fluorescent Microscopy
  • Light Microscopy
  • Live Cell Imaging
  • Microscopy
  • Molecular Biology
  • Optical Tweezers
  • Protein
  • Quantitative Phase Imaging
  • Small Molecule
  • Super Resolution Microscopy
  • Tomographic Microscopy