3D Cell Explorer 96focus
Tomographic Microscopy
Ultra-Fast Large Area Biological Image Acquisition
FAST-EM is a revolution in large area biological imaging using multibean EM technology allowing you to image extremely large areas in short times.
Good news, DELMIC can now supply a optical STEM detector compatibe with any SEM
FAST-EM automated large area biological imaging can be applied to many fields including:
Run time – 1:41min
FAST-EM is a breakthrough for high-resolution SEM biological imaging. With this highly automated and robust system, large area imaging of biological specimens can which may have taken weeks or months, can now be achieved 100 times faster using FAST-EM’s 64 parallel electron beams and automated workflow.
This demonstration illustrates the steps in the FAST-EM workflow and shows you how easy it is to use, as well how much time you can save.
In case you missed it, this in-depth video covers the official launch of the FAST-EM system.
FAST-EM is a groundbreaking development fro DELMIC that allows you to image your biological thin section 100x times faster than a conventional SEM with unrivalled reliability.
This video covers the workflow and demonstrates how the system can be used unattended to generate large 2D and 3D images that would have taken days or even weeks on more conventional systems. This allows you to spend more time doing valuable analysis!