
Fast and efficient rock core analysis using benchtop NMR

GeoSpec is the industry standard NMR rock core analyser, with installations in almost every major oil producer and SCAL laboratory world-wide.

  • Oxford Instruments - Geospec rock core analyser benchtop NMR

    Key Features

    • Industry standard - Used by oil companies, service providers and academia worldwide
    • Versatile - Caters for rock core samples 12 to 150mm in diameter
    • Operating frequency - 3 models available operarting at 2, 12 and 20MHz
    • Green Imaging Technologies software – Makes NMR core analysis routine, without the need for an NMR expert
    • Unique information - NMR provides information on fluid behaviour not available using other technologies

The GeoSpec benchtop NMR is the culmination of years of collaboration between Oxford Instruments and Green Imaging technology (GIT), the world leaders in hardware and software for NMR core analysis.

Operating Frequencies

Oxford Instrumebts offers 3 models of the GeoSpec benchtop NMR:

  • 2MHz to reduce artefacts caused by ferromagnetic material in the samples and to mimic the operation of NMR logging tools.
  • 12MHz for increased sensitivity on low porosity samples, or to decrease measurement time.
  • 20MHz for the highest sensitivity measurements on small samples

P5 Cell

There is increasing demand to analyse rock core samples under conditions that resemble reservoir conditions. For this reason Oxford Instruments offer the P5 cell upgrade for 2 and 12MHz models that allow you to take NMR measurements at pressures and temperatures up to 5000psi and 100°C.


With the improved ease of use, applications for NMR in geology are expanding. Current applications include:

  • Measuring capillary pressure
  • Fluid typing
  • Determining pore size distribution
  • Pore throat distribution and wettability
  • Measuring petrophysical parameters such as total porosity, BVI, FFA, CBW & T2 cutoff
  • Well log calibration
Applications of benchtop NMR in geology and petrography
  • Using Benchtop NMR to Measure Capillary Pressure

    Measuring capillary pressure is a critical parameter in oil exploration and production environments and is commonly performed in core analysis laboratories. GIT-CAP using NMR offers a faster and simpler alternative to more traditional methods such as porous plate, centrifugation and mercury injection especially for low permeability materials with longer equilibration times.

    The patented GIT-CAP capillary pressure measurement technique uses capillary pressure theory combined with NMR-determined saturation profiles, allowing for the accurate development of capillary pressure curves. With this technique, the core plug is first fully saturated with brine, and is then centrifuged to create a distribution of fluid in the plug which is in turn dependent on capillary pressure.