EclipseXRM-900 - High Resolution X-ray Microscope
Computed TomographyComputed Tomography - Life SciX-ray Microscopy
IVIM Technology produce innovative in vivo Live-Cell imaging platforms
Dedicated multiphoton microscope with integrated fs-fibre laser for intravital imaging.
IVIM Technology’s All-in-One intravital confocal IVM-MS (Two-Photon Smart Version) is extensively optimised and carefully engineered to provide superb performance in the intravital imaging of live animal models in vivo. The main microscope and animal imaging area are self-contained. Key functions for imaging animals are integrated:
The IVIM-MS (Two-Photon Smart Version) incorporates non tuneable two-photon imaging system and a polygon scanning system for Ultrafast scanning and uniform illumination at scan rates up to 100fps @512×512 pixels.