ZSX Primus III NEXT - Powerful Tube Above WDXRF
Automatic, Programmable Lab Press for producing pellets, esp for XRF and IR.
Automated and Programmable hydraulic laboratory pellet Bench-Press®
The Cole-Parmer XP-400 (formerly SPEX SamplePrep 3636 X-Press®) is a 35-ton (31.8 metric ton) hydraulic laboratory pellet press that accepts 13 mm, 31 mm, 35 mm, and 40 mm pellet die sets. Automatic and fully programmable, this Bench-Press® is designed for repetitive pressing of sample pellets for XRF, IR, and other analytical techniques. CE Approved.
Typical samples include: Cement, Rocks, Minerals, Soils, Ceramics, Pharmaceuticals
The XP-400 X-Press® is a 35-ton (31.8 metric ton) hydraulic laboratory pellet press. It’s automatic and fully programmable making it ideal for repetitive pressing of sample pellets for XRF and other analytical techniques