LabTIE Dispensers
Sample Preparation
Simple. Fast. Reliable.
Reliable data starts with reliable samples
LabTIE’s Freeze-dried OP50 is a high quality cultured Escherichia coli used as a food source for the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (C.elegans). Used to seed NGM agar plates or add to liquid cultures (S-medium), the Freeze-dried OP50 is cultured optimally to achieve 4 gram of pure OP50 cells which equals to 1 gram of OP50 after freeze-drying.
Use Freeze-dried OP50 from LabTIE to obtain reproducible food quality and lawn thickness. Freeze-dried OP50 is in ready-to-use format to trigger steady feeding behavior over time and eliminate the need for time-consuming, self-breeding OP50.
Resuspend the 1 gram of Freeze-dried OP50 powder in the 50mL tubes with sterile water or S-medium and you have instant and high quality OP50 food for your nematodes.
The viability of the OP50 cells is reduced due to the freeze-drying process, however there are enough cells alive to form a clear and normal OP50 lawn on your NGM plates.
1 unit/vial will seed 250mL liquid culture or 100 60 mm plates.