BioprintingExtrustion Bioprinters
The new standard for benchtop DLP bioprinters
Powered by CELLINK’s cutting-edge technology and harnessing 405 nm visible light, this system brings a new degree of precision and utility to the light-based bioprinter space.
Powered by CELLINK’s cutting-edge technology and harnessing 405nm visible light, this system brings a new degree of precision and utility to the light-based bioprinter space.
The LUMEN X DLP bioprinters are suited to applications such as:
Run time 1:00 Min
Welcome to a new standard in DLP bioprinting, with a high performance light-based bioprinter in a compact benchtop form. Powered by CELLINK’s cutting-edge technology and harnessing 405nm visible light, LUMEN X opens up new possibilities in bioprinting at affordable price point.