Flexible benchtop TD-NMR
The MQC-R is a flexible benchtop TD-NMR instrument for the analysis of materials, food, polymers, pharmaceuticals, battery materials etc.
A flexible benchtop time domain nuclear magnetic resonance (TD-NMR) research instrument for the analysis of materials, including food, polymers, pharmaceuticals, battery materials, cosmetics. It’s compact size and robust nature make it ideal for both industrial and academic scenarios where it can happily operate in a lab or on the factory floor.
Unlike many other techniques TD-NMR is non-destructive and non-invasive, often requiring only minimal sample preparation. Furthermore, it does not require the use of hazardous chemicals
The MQC-R can help you characterise a wide range of material and properties.
Run time – 1:07 min
This short video highlights the key reasons that make the MQC-R an instrument that you need to consider when making a benchtop NMR purchase.