NPS Nano Point Scanner

White light confocal profilometry

Metrology Module for Hirox Digital Microscope – a complete inspection and measurement solution

  • Hirox 3D digital microscope

    Key Features

    • Compatibility – Works with Hirox digital microscopes
    • Submicron Z Precision
    • Versatile – Non-contact measurement of any surface
    • Ultra fast profiling
    • ISO certified measurement
    • Analysis automation – Analyse multiple datasets or create pass/fail analysis
    • Reports – Outputs detailed reports

The NPS module is a white light confocal point sensor. When coupled with a high-precision motorised stage it enables non-contact sub-micron altitude/Z-measurements on any surface resulting in a 3D surface.

It affords a wide range of measurement modes on 2D profiles and 3D shapes including various roughness parameters, sphericity, curvature, length, height, radius, angle, volume and much more. Analyse regions up to 4000µm and correlate these back to manufacturing/design specification.

ISO Certified Technique

ISO 25178-602 is an accepted technique for the determination of surface roughness using white light chromatic confocal technology and is used in labs all over the world. NPS satisfies these requirements and enables measurement beyond the limitation of optical depth of field.

NPS Sensors

A wide array of NPS sensors are available depending on your specific application. These provide seamlessly integrated, high accuracy measurements. The general rule of thumb is:

  1. Select a sensor with small measuring range for high accuracy and surface roughness
  2. Select a sensor with large measuring range for tall samples of those requiring a large Z range

The following table represents some of the options that are available to you.

Hirox NPS sensor - nano Point Sensor for metrologyHirox NPS sensor - nano Point Sensor for metrologyHirox NPS sensor - nano Point Sensor for metrologyHirox NPS sensor - nano Point Sensor for metrologyHirox NPS sensor - nano Point Sensor for metrology
Measuring range150µm400µm1400µm4000µm1000µm
Working distance3.3mm10.8mm12mm16.2mm18.5mm
Max. sample slope42.5°28°25°21°44°
Lateral resolution1µm1.8µm2.6µm4.6µm2.5µm
Height accuracy20nm45nm150nm300nm100nm
Roughness suitableYesYesYesYes
  • Hirox NPS advanced profile measurement - metrology

    Profile Analysis

    The fastest measurement mode. Simply scan between 2 points and from the profile and measure horizontal & vertical distances as well as Ra, Rz and Rt measurements. You can also measure several profiles and combine the data into a single report.

  • Hirox NPS analysis of shapes and forms - metrology

    2D and 3D Analysis

    After scanning a surface region you can easily determine shape and geometry data. E.g. the curvature of spherical objects. On other shapes you can easily measure length, height, radius, angle, volume and much more across areas up to 4000µm.

  • Hirox NPS analysis of flatness waviness and coplanarity - metrology

    Flatness, Waviness and Coplanarity

    Easily assess warp, deformation, waviness or flatness over regions up to 500x500mm using with the NPS and the XY stage.

    You can also measure defects that can occur from machine or processes such as work anomaly, residual stress, vibrations or heat treatment.

    Coplanarity can also be determined on profiles or surfaces.

  • Hirox NPS roughness texture - metrology

    Roughness, Texture and Defects

    Surface metrology is used to determine surface topography which in turn dictates if a part meets design specifications and tolerances. This can dictate whether a part is fit for service. Measurements include profile roughness (Ra), surface roughness (Sa), surface texture, asperity and structural characterisation.

  • Hirox NPS software metrology

    Powerful Software

    Benefit from the most advanced metrology solution available, MountainsMap® from Digital Surf which provides:

    • Real time imaging of 3D surface topography
    • 3D surface overlays for fast feature location: height colour + intensity images from the NPS combined
    • Remove data acquisition and sample artifacts
    • Extraction of area, level correction, shape correction
    • Full measurement suite on profiles and 3D data with user and process traceability
    • Easy reporting for production environments or publications
    • Automated analysis for enhanced productivity and QC/QA with pass/fail analysis
  • All
  • CL
  • CLEM
  • Computed Tomography
  • Diffraction Imaging
  • Digital Microscopy
  • EBSD
  • EDS
  • Electron Beam Lithography (EBL)
  • Electron Microscopy
  • Fabrication
  • FIB
  • Hyperspectral
  • In situ
  • Laser spectroscopy
  • Micro XRF
  • Microscopy
  • Raman
  • SEM
  • Spectroscopy
  • TEM
  • Thermal Probe Lithography
  • WDS
  • X-ray Imaging
  • X-ray Microscopy