SmartLab SE
The Unfair Advantage and your Partner in XRD, XRR, SAXS, WAXS

The Premier Multipurpose X-ray Diffraction System with Built-in Intelligent Guidance
Key Features
- Cross-beam optics module switches between Bragg-Brentano and parallel beam without the need to change optics. - Rigaku patented technology and the first to market
- HyPix-400 2D detector enables seamless switch between 0D, 1D and 2D detection mode depending on application type. - Count every photon precisely
- D/teX Ultra 250 1D detector - Accelerates powder diffraction by a factor of 250 in speed and provides adjustable energy resolution of approximately 20% or 4% depending on sample type.
- Automatic Alignment - Maximize instrument uptime and minimize cost of ownership a single SmartLAB SE could carry the workload of 2-3 competitor instruments
- Integrated intelligent Guidance software - Enables fully automated measurement including optics and sample alignment.
- SmartLab Studio II software based on a new architecturally integrated modular platform - Applications driven to guide the operator in experimental set-up
- Available in a Variety of Wavelengths - The easiest and fastest X-ray tube change with full system alignment wizard
The SmartLab SE
The SmartLab SE is a highly versatile multipurpose XRD (X-ray diffractometer) with built-in intelligent guidance. It offers continued refinement of the original ease of use features that enabled the original SmartLab to receive the R&D 100 Award in 2006: automatic alignment, component recognition, cross beam optics and advanced photon counting hybrid pixel array detectors (HPAD).
Guidance expert system
SmartLab Studio II incorporates a built-in Guidance expert system that suggests the optimal hardware configuration and settings for specific application measurements. The software will determine which optics are most appropriate for a given application, determine the instrument settings and execute the measurement, delivering a completely automated measurement sequence. Since the SmartLab SE has built-in component recognition, Guidance will not only tell you how you should configure the SmartLab SE for a given measurement, it will also warn you if you have not configured it properly. Expert advice coupled with hardware that will confirm the correct configuration is the foundation of the SmartLab SE platform.
X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis with advanced Guidance expert system software
Guidance is an expert system within SmartLab Studio II that suggests the optimal hardware configuration and settings for specific application measurements. The software will determine which optics are most appropriate for a given application, determine the instrument settings and execute the measurement, offering a completely automated measurement sequence. Since SmartLab has built-in component recognition, Guidance will not only tell you how you should configure SmartLab for a given measurement, it will also warn you if you have not configured it properly. Expert advice coupled with hardware that will confirm the correct configuration is the foundation of the SmartLab system.

- All
- Biological Microscopy
- Electron Diffraction
- In situ
- Light Microscopy
- Live Cell Imaging
- Micro XRD
- Molecular Biology
- Optical Tweezers
- Powder
- Protein
- Protein Crystallography
- Small Molecule
- Thin Film
- XRD & Diffraction