MQC-R Benchtop NMR
World’s first broadband Benchtop NMR
X-Pulse is a revolution in the flexibility of benchtop NMR. Combining true broadband X-nuclei capability, flow chemistry, reaction monitoring and variable temperature with superior spectral resolution, X-Pulse lets you perform a wide range of experiments on the bench in your lab.
Rune time – 2:45 min
The optional X-Auto sample changer maximises throughput and automates data acquisition for up to 25 samples.
Newly added X-Pulse functionalities significantly increase ease of use, throughput and remote working capability while further reducing ongoing costs.
Operation of the X-Pulse is so simple, even novice users can collect spectra in just seconds.
The flow cell allows you to flow liquid samples at variable temperatures from 20-70°C so you can see the effects of changing temperature on your reactions. The flow cell is optimised to allow as much sample as possible to flow through the probe, allowing you to observe changes in your reactions as they happen and better understand your reaction chemistry.
X-Pulse offers you the freedom to select the nuclei to suit your specific experiments. Choose from 1H, 13C, 31P or something more exotic like 29Si, 11B, or 7Li. Simply select the nucleus of interest in the software and adjust the probe to ensure optimal experimental conditions.