XtaLAB Synergy-i

An affordable X-ray Crystallography system without compromise

The perfect place to begin your Synergy experience

  • Rigaku Oxford Diffraction Synergy-i

    Key Features

    • The scintillator-free hybrid photon counting (HPC) detector HyPix Bantam has been designed by Rigaku to ensure cutting-edge performance with true digital photon counting technology for unparalleled sensitivity.
    • The microfocus PhotonJet- i sources (Cu/Mo) available in dual or single source configurations, have low power consumption, yet provide high flux in order to study a variety of sample types.
    • Turbo Kappa Goniometer ensures that the most efficient data coverage is achieved even for the lowest symmetry P1 samples whether Cu or Mo radiation is used.
    • Upgrade to a Dual Source co-mounted sources for an easy switch of wavelengths
    • Powered by CrysAlisPro the most advanced data collection, processing, solution and refinement package for X-ray crystallography

XtaLAB Synergy-i Configuration:

After the mammoth success of the SuperNova series Rigaku Oxford Diffraction is proud to announce the Synergy-i series of X-ray single crystal XRD (X-ray diffractometers). The XtaLAB Synergy-i single crystal XRD includes a high-flux, low maintenance microfocus sealed tube X-ray instrument with a high precision 4-circle kappa goniometer and Rigaku’s own Hybrid Photon Counting (HPC) X-ray detector known as the HyPix-Bantam.

The XtaLAB Synergy-i contains the latest technology and can be upgraded from a single source to a dual source instrument. The system can be equipped with Cu and/or Mo sources allowing for a broad range of sample types to be evaluated. The XtaLAB Synergy-i is controlled by the fully-integrated, user-inspired CrysAlisPro software package that is capable of collecting and processing data quickly, efficiently and accurately, so you achieve the best data possible with minimal effort.

  • Powered by CrysAlis PRO

    The software is freely available for users of Rigaku Oxford Diffraction single crystal X-ray instruments and can be downloaded from our forum. Please register at http://www.rigakuxrayforum.com

    CrysAlisPro has been inspired by users and suits both protein crystallography and small molecule crystallography. It caters for simultaneous data collection and automated analysis

  • Rigaku - Intelligent Goniometer Head

    Intelligent Goniometer Head 2 (IGH 2)

    Motorised Goniometer Head with Automated Optical Object Centering

    Rigaku launched a new version of their fantastic IGH motorised goniometer head at the IUCr 2023 conference in melbourne. This new version adds encoders to enable automatic X-ray centering for those who struggle to see their samples. It enables users to centre samples, hand-free with the cabinet doors closed in just a few sounds.

    They have also improved their AI-based optical sample centering, which already had a fantastic success rate. Rigaku engineers have even managed to reduce the size of the IGH 2, despite packing in a more capabilities!

  • All
  • Electron Diffraction
  • In situ
  • Micro XRD
  • Molecular Biology
  • Powder
  • Protein
  • Protein Crystallography
  • Small Molecule
  • Thin Film
  • XRD & Diffraction