microArch Industrial Micro Precision 3D Printers Additive ManufacturingFabrication Ultra-high resolution, accuracy and precision
Apex XCT-150 - High-Resolution CT for Flat Samples Computed Tomography Sigray’s Apex-XCT-150 is a revolutionary 3D X-ray computed tomography (XCT) system optimised for flat samples.
SmartLab Micro XRDPowderSAXS/WAXSThin FilmXRD & Diffraction The pinnacle instrument for X-ray materials analysis
TESCAN VEGA Compact CLCLEMEBSDEDSElectron Beam Lithography (EBL)In situMicro XRFSEMWDS Competitively priced, the TESCAN VEGA Compact is the ideal SEM for routine analysis in industrial labs or a teaching/imaging workhorse in microscopy facilities.
Rigaku CT Lab HX Additive ManufacturingComputed Tomography Benchtop ergonomics Computed Tomography for materials science
TESCAN SOLARIS X - Xe Plasma FIB-SEM for Semiconductors EBSDEDSElectron Beam Lithography (EBL)FabricationFIBMicroscopySEMTEMWDS Xe plasma FIB-SEM for Semiconductors
COBRA LIBS MISSION:COBRA Process optimisation with the Continuous On Belt Real time Analysis of minerals and chemistry
XRTmicron Thin FilmXRD & Diffraction X-ray topography imaging system, for the non-destructive evaluation of single-crystalline materials.
TESCAN MIRA CLCLEMEBSDEDSElectron Beam Lithography (EBL)In situMicro XRFSEMWDS Versatile and powerful FEG SEM
TESCAN UniTOM XL Computed TomographyIn situX-ray ImagingX-ray Microscopy A unique alternative in Dynamic 3D X-ray imaging for your lab
TESCAN VEGA CLCLEMEBSDEDSElectron Beam Lithography (EBL)In situMicro XRFSEMWDS Analytical SEM for materials science and life science applications in research and industry
TESCAN AMBER 2 - Ga FIB-SEM EBSDEDSElectron Beam Lithography (EBL)FabricationFIBIn situMicroscopySEMTEMThermal Probe Lithography The most versatile and universal analytical Ga FIB-SEM platform on the market
TESCAN AMBER X 2 - Plasma FIB-SEM EBSDEDSElectron Beam Lithography (EBL)FabricationFIBIn situMicroscopySEMTEMThermal Probe Lithography Combining the speed of a plasma FIB with the resolution of a Ga FIB
NANOPIX PowderProtein CrystallographySAXS/WAXSThin Film Synchrotron level SAXS performance at your fingertips
EVO & ECO Series Tube head Accessories RadiographyX-ray Imaging Tube head stands and other accessories for YXLON radiographic systems
The elemental analysis of doping elements distribution in optical fiber cross-sections requires a sensitive high spatial resolution like TOF-SIMS.FIB
Crystal defect analysis of a single crystal substrate by X-ray reflection topographyThin FilmXRD & Diffraction