ZSX Primus IVi - WDXRF Spectrometer XRF Powerful WDXRF for quantitative elemental analysis with mapping and multi-point capability
ZSX Primus IV - High-Througput Tube Above XRF XRF Powerful tube above WDXRF for quantitative elemental analysis with mapping and multi-point capability
TESCAN VEGA Compact CLCLEMEBSDEDSElectron Beam Lithography (EBL)In situMicro XRFSEMWDS Competitively priced, the TESCAN VEGA Compact is the ideal SEM for routine analysis in industrial labs or a teaching/imaging workhorse in microscopy facilities.
LabTIE Freeze-dried OP50 Sample Preparation Beating all current systems in flexibility, accuracy and speed
Freezer/Mill® Cryogenic Grinders Sample Preparation Programmable cryogenic mill specifically designed for grinding and pulverizing tough or temperature sensitive samples
HG-200 GenoLyte® - Compact Tissue Homogeniser Sample Preparation Powerful, compact homogenizer for plant & animal tissue
HG-600 Geno/Grinder® 2010 - Automated Tissue Homogeniser and Cell Lyser Sample Preparation Automated Tissue Homogeniser and Cell Lyser
TESCAN VEGA CLCLEMEBSDEDSElectron Beam Lithography (EBL)In situMicro XRFSEMWDS Analytical SEM for materials science and life science applications in research and industry
Simultix 15 - High-Speed Simultaneous XRF XRF High Power tube above simultaneous WDXRF, for high-throughput elemental analysis of solids, powders and alloys.
JANSi UVEX - Additional ResourcesCell CultureDNA/RNAMolecular BiologyProteinProtein CrystallographySmall Molecule
Freezer/Mill® Cryogenic Grinders- SPEX SamplePrep Application NotesCell CultureDNA/RNAMolecular BiologyProteinSample ManagementSmall Molecule
Geno/Grinder®, MiniG®, GenoLyte®- SPEX SamplePrep Application NotesCell CultureDNA/RNAMolecular BiologyProteinSmall Molecule