Materials Science

We work closely with cutting edge material scientists bringing them the latest enabling technologies in microscopy & microanalysis, fabrication, optics and surface chemical sciences.

Latest Review

  • The new DENS stub is very useful when making samples for in-situ TEM heating and biasing experiments. The refined copper clamping system makes it easy to mount the chip in a safe way, while it is grounded at the same time to prevent charging. By using the angle of 45 degrees it is possible to finish a complete sample in one go without the system having to be aerated. So I am also very satisfied with this stub that makes work easier for me

    Stijn van den BroeckElectron Microscopy for Materials Science (EMAT) Antwerp

Our Materials Sciences Team

  • Kamran Khajepour

    Kamran Khajepour

    Materials and Nanotechnology Manager

    Electron Microscopy, Raman Spectroscopy, Material Science, Nano Fabrication, Music Performance.

  • Peter Airey

    Peter Airey

    Materials and Nanotechnology Specialist

    With a background in materials chemistry, and an avid interest in science and technology, I am passionate about realising the potential for researchers to gain access to the latest technologies to futhur their understanding in Materials Science and Nanotechnology.

  • Jaret Lee

    Jaret Lee

    3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Specialist

    Trained as an electrical engineer, Jaret has a keen interest in nanotechnology and its applications. With 10 years of experience in equipment sales, he understands how cutting-edge instrumentation can enable researchers to do so much more – from performing more precise measurements to fabricating devices with unprecedented functionality.


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  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Bioprinting
  • Computed Tomography - Life Sci
  • Electron Microscopy
  • In situ
  • LALI-TOF-MS - Laser Ablation Laser Induced Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry
  • Mass Spectrometry
  • Microscopy
  • NMR
  • Sample Preparation
  • Spectroscopy
  • X-ray Imaging
  • XRD & Diffraction
  • XRF