ASA Nanoindenter - Micromechanical Testing System In situ High-precision nanoindenter that can be customised with a range of accessories, consumables and controllers
EclipseXRM-900 - High Resolution X-ray Microscope Computed TomographyComputed Tomography - Life SciX-ray Microscopy Submicron resolution even at large working distances
Cathodyne - Optical Cathodoluminescence CL A fast and sensitive optical CL imaging system that uses a plasma source and doesn't need a SEM to work.
TESCAN VEGA Compact CLCLEMEBSDEDSIn situMicro XRFSEMWDS Competitively priced, the TESCAN VEGA Compact is the ideal SEM for routine analysis in industrial labs or a teaching/imaging workhorse in microscopy facilities.
METEOR CLEMSEM METEOR is the world’s first and only fully integrated solution to optimise the cryo-ET workflow by reducing complicated transfer steps and increasing sample yield
TESCAN SOLARIS X - Xe Plasma FIB-SEM for Semiconductors EBSDEDSFabricationFIBMicroscopySEMTEMWDS Xe plasma FIB-SEM for Semiconductors
FF35 CT - Computed Tomography for Small and Medium Parts Additive ManufacturingComputed TomographyX-ray ImagingX-ray Microscopy High resolution industrial CT system for small/medium sized parts inspection
FF20 CT - MicroCT for Small Parts Computed TomographyX-ray ImagingX-ray Microscopy Ultimate automated semiconductor analysis
Model 1070 NanoClean SEMTEM Cleans specimens and holders immediately before insertion into an electron microscope; removes existing carbonaceous debris from the specimen and prevents contamination during imaging and analysis
TESCAN UniTOM XL Computed TomographyIn situX-ray ImagingX-ray Microscopy A unique alternative in Dynamic 3D X-ray imaging for your lab
Model 1040 NanoMill Diffraction ImagingFIBTEM The NanoMill system is the ultimate companion for your FIB to optimise TEM specimen preparation quality
TESCAN VEGA CLCLEMEBSDEDSIn situMicro XRFSEMWDS Analytical SEM for materials science and life science applications in research and industry
TESCAN AMBER 2 - Ga FIB-SEM EBSDEDSFabricationFIBIn situMicroscopySEMTEM The most versatile and universal analytical Ga FIB-SEM platform on the market
TESCAN AMBER X 2 - Plasma FIB-SEM EBSDEDSFabricationFIBIn situMicroscopySEMTEM Combining the speed of a plasma FIB with the resolution of a Ga FIB
CORIOSITY Automated MineralogyCore ScanningLIBS High speed LIBS High resolution geological core analysis for elemental maps and mineral images
Cheetah EVO 2D/3D Inspection System for Small Components Computed TomographyX-ray Imaging The Cheetah EVO Plus includes new and improved features that make the system ready for the paradigm shift to a smart factory
Climate∞ In situTEM Characterise your materials with sub-Angstrom resolution with dynamic studies featuring precise control over electrical, thermal and gas environments
This whitepaper discusses the use cathodoluminescence of sedimentary rocks, specifically sandstone.CL