ZSX Primus IVi - WDXRF Spectrometer XRF Powerful WDXRF for quantitative elemental analysis with mapping and multi-point capability
ECORE - LIBS Core Scanner Core ScanningHyperspectralLIBS A powerful LIB-based hyperspectral drill core scanner
SmartLab Micro XRDPowderSAXS/WAXSThin FilmXRD & Diffraction The pinnacle instrument for X-ray materials analysis
ZSX Primus IV - High-Througput Tube Above XRF XRF Powerful tube above WDXRF for quantitative elemental analysis with mapping and multi-point capability
COBRA LIBS MISSION:COBRA Process optimisation with the Continuous On Belt Real time Analysis of minerals and chemistry
Slurry Automated MineralogyLIBS Optimise process streams by analysing slurry's for chemistry and mineralogy
SmartLab SE Micro XRDPowderSAXS/WAXSThin FilmXRD & Diffraction Multipurpose XRD and Materials Analysis
Simultix 15 - High-Speed Simultaneous XRF XRF High Power tube above simultaneous WDXRF, for high-throughput elemental analysis of solids, powders and alloys.