ASA Nanoindenter - Micromechanical Testing System
In situ
In Situ Micro and Nanomechanical Testing
Swiss-based Alemnis founded in 2008, is a global leader in nanoindentation and micromechanical testing. They design and manufacture micro- and nanomechanical property measurement instruments that can be applied in a wide variety of testing environments. Their instruments enables breakthrough academic research in material science by providing leading-edge micro- and nanomechanical property measurement instruments.
As the originators of in situ nanoindenters, it comes as no surprise that their systems are favoured by many prestigious research institutions around the world. In Australia, this includes the University of Queensland and the University of New South Wales.
Alemnis were originally spun out from Empa, the Swiss Federal Research Institute and EPFL, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. They were the first company in the world to invent an in situ nanoindenter for SEMs. This opened up new possibilities allowing you to see what was happening in real-time at the microscale. A publication by the inventors was awarded the Bunshah Award 2004 of the American Vacuum Society. It is considered a major milestone in the scientific community.
Their nanoindenter continues to set the standard with unrivaled strain rates and versatility through a wide range of stages and environmental chambers.