Technique: FIB

Transfer Module

Transfer Module

Made for the purpose of carrying delicate and sensitive specimens in a capsule from the SEM into a glove box, or vice versa, to ensure they are protected from air ...
Anti Curtaining Table

Anti Curtaining Table

The ACT stage is a four-axis positioning tool especially designed to allow rocking a sample while observing it with both the electron and ion beams. It provides an additional tilt ...
Model 1040 NanoMill

Model 1040 NanoMill

The NanoMill system is the ultimate companion for your FIB to optimise TEM specimen preparation quality

MM3E Micromanipulator

MM3E Micromanipulator

Adding capabilities from in-situ lift-out, electrical probing (FA)and nano-manipulation, the encoded MM3E micro-manipulator brings new functionality to your SEM or FIB/SEM instrument.

Cryo Liftout System

Cryo Liftout System

A cryo-compatible version of the Kleindiek micro-grippers that can be cooled to liquid nitrogen temperatures for in situ cryo TEM sample liftouts of site specific TEM slices prepared in cryo ...


The NanoWorkstation is a powerful, dedicated system that allows physical manipulation and characterisation at the micro and nano-scale with ease adding new capabilities to your SEM or FIB/SEM instrument.