TESCAN unveiled the S9000X, their latest flagship Xe plasma FIB-SEM to the world at the recent M&M 2018, Microscopy and Microanalysis 2018 Meeting, held in Baltimore in August. The S9000X then took pride of place at the recent IMC19, International Microscopy Congress, held in Sydney in September where it garnered much interest and was fully booked for demonstrations throughout the entire show.
The new TESCAN S9000X Xe Plasma FIB-SEM.
The S9000X is the ultimate tool for those involved in ultra-high-resolution imaging and nanomachining, TEM lamellae preparation and 3D materials analysis. The new Xe plasma FIB (iFIB+™) provides precise, damage-free large area cross-sectioning coupled with a high throughput rate, up to 50 times faster than conventional gallium FIBs. Furthermore, the use of Xe helps to overcome some of the drawbacks of using gallium including amorphisation which can lead to incorrect analyses.
Another key benefit of the new the new iFIB+ Xe plasma FIB column is that it offers an unparalleled field of view resulting in the ability to carry out large area cross sectioning as well as offering the highest levels of automation. This will assist users by reducing the bottlenecks in TEM sample preparation and accelerating 3D materials characterisation.
The new iFIB+ column is coupled with the TESCAN’s next generation TriGlav ultra-high resolution SEM. The three objective lens system used in the TriGlav column significantly reduces aberration allowing you achieve sub-nanometer resolution (0.7 nm) whilst keeping the extremely high current (400 nA). It also enables field-free imaging of magnetic samples and live monitoring of FIB operations. Energy-filtered axial BSE signal collection also provides enhanced surface sensitivity, while adaptive spot shape optimisation results in better contrast at all beam currents for ultimate imaging.
The S9000X is also the perfect choice for 3D materials characterisation. With its specifically designed chamber geometry, it can easily incorporate multiple detectors including EDS, EBSD, CL, X-ray source and ToF-SIMS. ToF-SIMS can also be fully integrated and offers isotope identification as well as light element (down to Hydrogen) detection, with Xe enhancing the already excellent detection limits (better than 5 ppm). In all cases the rapid rates of material removal lend this system to being an excellent system for 3D materials analysis including tomography.